How it works

Short description how to start and how to use our software. Red color means that action is recomended for company owner, blue for employee and black for HR. If block contains more than one color dot, action is common.

  • Owner
  • Employee
  • HR

Registration and login



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Activate account

Sign in

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Receive the license

Activate the license

If you are a company

Edit the company

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Generate the code

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Give it to employee

Send an invitation

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Accept the invitation

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Adding events


Choose a company

Add presence

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Accept presence or other event

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17/5000 Employee edition

Edit employee

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Give HR status

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Dismiss employee

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Generating a report


Individual /group report

Ta strona korzysta z ciasteczek w celu świadczenia usług na najwyższym poziomie. Dalsze korzystanie ze strony oznacza zgodę na ich używanie.